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Writer's picture: Miriam VincentMiriam Vincent

The summer holidays have been and are now gone!

At times they felt like they were going on forever but now, dare I say it, the house feels terribly quiet!

Like so many other parents, particularly mothers, trying to juggle work and childcare has been tricky. For me this has meant that I spent the majority of the summer not really working, with the exception of #greenmanfestivial.

Let me share with you abit about my time on the beautiful #glanuskestate, near #crickhowell, in the #breconbeaconsnationalpark in Wales.

Selfie Frame for Workshops at Greenman
Green Man 2023

The #greenmanfestival is an independent music, science and arts festival has been running for over twenty years. This year was my first ever time going there as a trader and also as a punter.

To say I was nervous is an understatement. However, as soon as I arrived I felt as though I had 'come home'.

I was there for six days, two of those were setting up and breaking down afterwards and I can say hand on heart I LOVED it.

I was running my #Wellness #ArtWorkshops, Inspired by Nature and the setting could not have been more perfect.

The wonderful thing about these workshops, was having the time and opportunity to share my passion about nature and unleashing one's creativity. This happened through my workshops, naturally, but also by having conversations with likeminded people who were also attending the festival.

Lost in the Flow - Wellness Art Workshops
Art Workshops for Well Being

Once people were able to get over the hurdle of 'not being creative' or 'having no imagination' and allowed themselves to be present in the moment and open to the process that I guide them through, then they were able to lose themselves in flow and that was when the magic really hit the canvas's and beautiful paintings were created.

Sketching in the Garden
Time out in the Garden

Juggling work and childcare is always difficult and the summer hols really highlight that fact; I'm sure I'm not alone for feeling guilty when I worked and also when I didn't but the fact of the matter is, for me it was great opportunity for me to slow down and percolate the ideas that have been buzzing in my mind for sometime.

Watch this space to find out more. In the meantime, get outside into nature everyday even if it's just for ten minutes.

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